
Welcome to NeverLieToFascists.com, home of the band Baby1.

For those of you new to this site, I'm Dax, the webmaster, and close friend of the band. Unless it mentions otherwise, any text on this site is written by me.




Happy day, children. The forum is UP! Go check it out and get to some merry, merry posting!


Wow. What a hiatus. Sorry about all that. The tour finished smooth and steaming friggin' hot. Vancouver was stupendous, BOTH times.

I'm working on the forum as we speak, and may have an early version up this very night.

I'm also working on getting the shirts up for sale one the actual page.


Looks like no forum tonight. more to be done. But soon, boys and girls, soon!


Hey guys. Sorry about the lack of updating, several different things were wrong, but they're fixed now, it seems.

You'll notice that the menu is changed a bit. That's because I'm preparing to get a forum set up. Soon kiddies, soon.

No new art, nor photos. You guys are slacking off. Shame.

A recap of the shows: Decent. Day Bright seems way too mellow and wussy-esque for Baby1's energy. Cadavrae... I don't how we got them signed up, they're friggin' goth-rock. So wrong for our show. It's like placing At the Drive-In on the same stage as Cradle of Filth. So wrong.


Well, both bands rocked the last two nights. We're on our way to Regina so the band can rest for a bit. I've got most of the songs up now. One more art is up. Hopefully we'll get more photos up soon.


Just got to Turner's in Branden. Beaker Breaker are pretty good. Elephaun Titus seemed a little off. Hope they're better in the groove tomorrow. Three more art up, keep it coming.


On the road to Winnepeg right now. The Ferret in Hamilton was a bust. That place is such a hole. If the band ever even goes to Hamilton again we'll have to find a better venue, that place was just too bad. More songs up. Two more art. Thankfully the Gates was rockin' and Fandango and 3 Miles Remote kicked ass. We left them back in London, and tomorrow we get to meet two more bands.


Tour's going great. We're at Jake's old house right now, in Elora, having a party. His parents are great folks. Pastroy's gone now. They were awesome. 3 Miles Remote is still with us. They put on a great show. In fact the singer and drummer are here at the party. I put up another piece of art and a good chunk of songs since last update. Check 'em out!


We got some pics of the band today at the Eric Castanett Theatre in T-dot. Check the photo section. We also have some new fanart. Keep sending it in guys, it's great to see it already coming in again.


The tour kicks off today. The dates are up in the tour dates section. The band's ready and rarin' right now. They're not exactly on the road, as their first stop is about a twenty minute drive, but they're all stoked about it.


Whew, got the brand new site up just in time for the tour. During the site crash, we lost everything, so this is all from scratch. There may be something missing here or there, but we're working as hard as we can to get it all up as fast as possible. Right now all we have is the basic shell and the history. A few song lyrics as well. Keep checking back.